Tuesday, July 22, 2014

50 Thoughts That Plague Teachers At The End Of Summer

The end of July is a strange time for teachers.  It’s still summer break, and you aren’t contractually obligated to work, but you know in your heart you have to start working.  There’s no way you can be ready by an August 14th First Day of School unless you start preparing July 14th (or is it just me?).

Here's a little taste of what is going on in my spare bedroom.  It's seriously like moving twice each summer.

So in the spirit of the end of July, I’ve come up with 50 Thoughts That Plague Teachers At The End Of Summer.

1.     What day am I supposed to report?
2.   So what day should I start moving all my stuff back?
3.   What day is today?
4.   Where is my key?  Did I have to turn that in?  How do I get it back?
5.   I bet the air conditioner isn’t on yet.  It’s going to be hot as crap.
6.   What are the odds that all my furniture is still in my room?
7.   Whew, I got in my room.  Somehow, all my matching chairs have been replaced with 27 different kinds of chairs.
8.   I didn’t know we had that many kinds of chairs. 
9.   How did I get 34 desks?  There’s no way all those desks will fit in here?  Besides, I only have 27 chairs to go with them.
10.  I wonder if the custodian will yell at me if I put some of these desks in the hallway
11.    Yep, I got yelled at.  You’re not allowed to do that.  It’s a fire hazard or something.  Time to get creative
12.   Ok, I turned the desks into larger tables.  That’s better for cooperative learning anyways.  The table in the middle can hold the supplies!!!  I’m a genius!
13.   I think I saw something about that on Pinterest.  Maybe that wasn’t my idea
14.  Ok it’s hotter than Hades in here, I’ll come back in the morning.
15.   Next morning: What in the world?!  How had they not cleaned the carpets yet?!  Starting over.
16.  I should have taken pictures yesterday.
17.   I give up.
18.  Let’s decorate a bulletin board!!!!
19.   Waitwhat’s my color scheme for this year?
20.  Obviously chevron and polka dots, but what colors?
21.   How much is appropriate to spend at Mardel?
22.   I saw this really cute thing on Pinterest!!!
23.   I think maybe I need new organizational plan, all the Pinterest plans look better than mine.
24.   It would be easier if I take everything out and start fresh.
25.   Oooo, those shelves are really dusty.
26.   Where did I leave the Clorox wipes?
27.   Ahhhclean shelves.  Holy cow, how did all that stuff fit on that shelf?
28.   Oh wow!  Where did all this stuff come from?  I’ve never seen this before in my life.  What other stuff have I never seen before?
29.   Do I need it?  Can I trash it?  Will someone else want it?
30.Think of Hoarders.  THROW IT AWAY!!!
31.   Has it been 5 hours already?  How do I have less done now than I did 5 hours ago?
33.   Just get it all back on a shelf somehow.
34.   Should I reorganize my classroom library?
35.   I saw a really great idea on Pinterest about that.  Oh this is going to be great.
36.   Has it been 5 more hours already?  What in the world did I do today?
38.   How many more days do I have before professional development starts?  Can I get this done?
39.   Well I already started, I have no choice.
40.            Is it seriously August already?!  What in the world?!
41.  What is my team doing?
42.   Class list!  What percentage of these kids will actually show up?  How many others will show up unannounced?
43.   Blank nametags.  Leave them blank.
44.  Shoot.  I have to leave blank all the personalized things.
45.   How long have I been here?
46.  What am I doing here?
47.   Waitwhat day is it?
48.  What day does school start again?
49.   I need to get my act together.
50.  If someone comes in and moves everything while I’m gone again, I’m going to lose it.

Just in case your brain is as scrambled as mine, here are ready-made "Back to School" literacy and math center activities to make your life a little easier!  

Here’s to the end of summer!


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