Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Sometimes, in the Summer

Every so often, during the summertime, I get a little reminiscent of the craziness of teaching.  Never reminiscent enough to want to go back any more quickly, but just enough to laugh a bit.  What a better way to share the reason I’m laughing than to share it here?!

This is what I’ve been thinking about for the past few days:  My kindergartners wrote a class book to give advice to the Pre-K students who will be starting next fall.  It was a long and drawn out process (which was actually REALLY cool, and I’ll write a post about it at some point this summer), and to keep them feeling like they were accomplishing something they were writing individual books at the same time.  Kindergartners have the attention span of a gnat.  Some real gems came out of these individual projects.

“At first I was scared of my teacher because she had crazy hair.  But don’t be scared of crazy hair.”
“I didn’t know what to do, so I just listened to the teacher.”
“It was crazy because we switched tables!”
“You can have friends in other classes because you can see them outside.  But sometimes you won’t see them outside because they will run right past you and not play with you.” (he was obviously dealing with some things in a healthy way- teacher win!)
“I had fun playing video games.” (no clue where this came fromnot once did we play video games)
“100+100=200” (another teacher win!  My kindergartners can do 3-digit addition!!!!!)
“10x10=100” (they can do 2-digit multiplication too!!!!!!)

Haha!  I know people always say that kids say the darnedest things, and they say it because it’s true.  
